Thursday, January 17, 2013

RSS Assingment

1.      RSS stands for really simple syndication.
2.      An RSS feed works when you subscribe to the website that you want and it automatically updates your feed with the website’s updates.
3.      Two benefits of using an RSS feed are, it is quicker to see what is new than to check each website individually, and you can get updates from multiple websites at a time without having to visit them all.
4.      RSS feeds, Feed reader, and Aggregator all display certain information from other websites onto other websites. RSS feeds use a “hub” website that allows you to subscribe to websites and receive their updates. Feed reader is a downloadable program that gathers information from other websites. An aggregator is freeware software that gathers selected information from other websites.
5.      Google reader is a Google RSS product.
6.      In order to sign up for an RSS feed you have to make an account on a RSS feed reader.
7.      Signing up for an RSS feed is free.

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